Fear, the #1 Deterrent to Starting a Business : Confessions of A Social Entrepreneur

Fear, the #1 Deterrent to Starting a Business

by Chataun Denis on 03/08/10

In a previous discussion that probed into why more people don't take the entrepreneurship leap, fear seemed to be the #1 deterrent. Having started several businesses that failed, I've learned to take baby steps. You don't have to take the leap all at once. In fact, I tell my clients to not plan on quitting their day job for several years. There's nothing worse that working a job that has no real purpose or meaning. I started my company 2 1/2 years ago in my home working a few hours in the evenings and on the weekends. I transitioned out of the workforce 15 months later and started working my business full time. When you do what you love, it's not work at all. Take a chance and see what happens.


Comments (1)

1. Tasha said on 3/16/10 - 08:34PM
I couldn't agree more! I also believe that taking the time to develop a plan along with realistic goals, supporting objs., and a time table will assist you on your new business journey! However, if you allow fear to overpower your desire to be successful in your pursuit, then you reduce your chances of being successful. Great Post!!

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